We enjoyed the last of the summer this bank holiday weekend by holding our annual fete at Briarlea.
Carers and residents began by setting up our fair stalls inside the home, decorating the building, and soon we were ready to welcome in the community.
It wasn’t too long before the home was teeming full of residents’ children, grandchildren and great grandchildren – as well as neighbours who popped in to say hello, to have a cup of tea and take their chance on the tombola. It was so lovely for our residents to invite their loved ones into Briarlea to show them around – and despite the summer showers, we didn’t let the weather dampen our spirits.
We enjoyed cookies and home-made cakes from the sweet stalls, marvelled at beautiful stationery creations and handmade soaps for sale, and were treated to a musical extravaganza from the ever stylish Anna Tharia who sung all our old favourites.
A special thank you to everyone who came along to the fete, manned a stall or gave their change – we made an amazing £511.32 for our resident fund on the day.
Briarlea’s residents are looking forward to holding a special meeting over the coming weeks to decide how to spend your generous donations.